Wednesday, October 31, 2007

meet the fam.

And this is my older brother Jeremy & sister Julia with Ivan last year. They both live in NC still. (I didn't know how to get this picture on the bottom. first time blogger!)

This is Ivan Burger- working on something as usual!

My Dad, Charles Burger- always a bright smile.

And Mom, Barbara Burger, probably being taken to or being brought home from work!

(My dad took my mom to work EVERY morning (only 2 miles away...) then he went swimming, then to work- and picked her up everyday too! I always enjoyed the times that I was home from school, or visiting from MD and would suprise mom and get her instead of my dad. But then I usually wanted to go shopping (wal-mart- hillsborough's finest!).

I finally started one!

So I am entering the blog world. whoo-hoo!

I have been wanting to keep a journal for a long time, but am really lazy, so even though this isn't as personal, it may be a little easier to keep up with things.

I really want this to be a blog about my family. I lost my mom, dad, and little brother to a car accident that happened almost one year ago on Christmas Day. I've been going though A LOT of emotions- good, bad, sad, lonely, tired, loved, supported..... and a whole lot more.

My older brother and sister and I were together this weekend, and just remembering some funny stuff. I want this page to be about the stories and quirks that my family had growing up. I want to put up pictures and then talk about the times in them. And my memories may spark other's memories of the same thing!

Tough times- but trying to hold my head up high, and let my parent's & Ivan's lights shine through my life :)